Social relations Woman +3.52 years Man +3.3 years
Count your friends on the fingers of your hand. Nowadays, we don’t know the names of our neighbors and hang out on social media with our “friends.” Return to the childhood ability to do things together: Board games, bowling, walking, billiards, theatre, museum, hockey, football, cinema, travel, adventure.
Dare to open up, show yourself weakness, and ask for advice. Trust builds bonds – we need each other. When you look back on your life as an older man - what would you be happy to have spent time on? Hanging out with family and friends? Spending more time on the phone? Choose what you will spend the rest of your life with instead of letting those who don’t want you choose. Services like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are free - because you are the raw material. You work free in digital mines and fill the mining carts with content.
Surround yourself with those who wish you well. If people say no to your dream, take care of the j and add an a. Be tone-deaf for no and responsive for yes.
Positive effects: A 2020 study analyzed 72,322 women who participated from 1992 to 2014 in the Nurses’ Health Study. After adjusting for demographics and chronic diseases, socially integrated (frequent social contacts) women had a 10.10% longer life expectancy and a 41% higher chance of surviving to age 85 than those who were socially isolated.
If you adjusted for all other risk factors, they had a 4.33% longer life expectancy and a 15% higher chance of surviving to age 85. In 2019, women’s life expectancy in the US was 81.4 years, and for men, it was 76.3 years. We apply the precautionary principle, use a 4.33% longer life expectancy, and assume that the same percentage increase also occurs for men. This gives an extra life expectancy for women of 3.52 years and an expected extra life expectancy for men of 3.3 years.
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Volume 75, Issue 10, December 2020, Pages 2132–2141,
How do solid social relationships help you live a longer and more fulfilling life? Social support networks provide better immune
function and lower risk of heart attack, stroke, and inflammation linked to chronic disease and aging.
You become an average of those you spend time with. A healthy social network creates healthy habits. Get involved in social environments that provide good conversations, ideas, perspectives, and knowledge. It keeps the brain young, active, and fresh.
Social contacts alleviate loneliness and provide a sense of belonging. A network of friends offers emotional support during challenging periods in life. Studies have found that a solid social support network provides faster recovery from surgery, illness, and trauma.
Social solid relationships relieve stress and anxiety with care and empathy. They provide security and trust in difficult situations and a supportive community, providing a meaningful life where you feel good.
Social relationships provide feedback, encouragement, and acceptance, strengthening self-esteem and self-confidence. Friends help you through life with different perspectives and solutions. Feel how support and belonging strengthen your psychological resilience and your well-being.
Get involved in meetings, conversations, and activities with people - it gives positive emotions and laughter that gives an optimistic outlook on life.
Make it your goal to meet a new friend every year - by participating in new associations and events and inviting new people for dinner. Be curious about others - that’s how people think you’re nice.
Tip: People are driven to consumption through new formats and technological innovation. Phones always get a notch sharper next season. Isn’t it, therefore, better to invest in relationships? Dare to uninstall your app pairs and spend all your time on real existing and new social networks. Everything you do together lets you share an experience that sparks conversation, but looking at a phone is something you do alone. We become lonely islands.
If you have traveled, write an article about the country or give a talk! Have you caught crayfish - invite friends to a crayfish slice! Everything you experience can be refined and passed on.
Being social keeps your mind young. The memories of us depend on what we do with the days we get - so take care of your time on earth.
Call an old friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Express empathy to and actively listen to loved ones, and you will have more profound and stronger bonds. When opinions and ideas rub against each other, energy is created. Rest in friendship and see every moment as equally important and a new platform to live the rest of your life. Dare just to be and recover.
Good conversations start with genuine curiosity and build relationships. In the borderland between complete relaxation and activity, sparkling ideas come. With friends, you can realize excellent and crazy ideas and make life an exciting adventure. Alfred Nobel saw 90% of his ideas - but realized that an occasional flash of genius comes out of a flow of ideas.
Do new things and activities with friends, acquaintances, and family, forming new memories and epic experiences. Cultivate new interests and relationships by trying new sports, joining clubs and organizations, volunteering, and networking.