Minimal stress Woman +2.51 years Man +2.63 years
No life is free from stress – some are stressed by too much happening, and some are stressed by too little happening. It is not the lazy who walk into the wall, but the ambitious who make demands on themselves in private and working life. The ancestors lived in a physically stricter but more accessible world mentally. They were not exposed to the world’s negative news, and their work was free from constant change and digitization.
Many do not have a moment to spare when they are free - but time in the fallow or the hammock is well-spent. If you let the soil rest, it produces a better harvest. Just as we give the seeds in the soil time to germinate, we must give ourselves time to take root and burst forth like spring onion. To be and work in nature is to fill the lungs with fresh air. Learn to breathe through your nose and feel how the oxygen reaches down and de-stresses you. Your lungs breathe 11,000 liters of air every day. It takes 97 years to breathe 1 billion breaths.
Positive effects: In “Eight Modifiable Lifestyle Factors Associated with Increased Lifespan,” 719,147 Americans aged 40-99 with data from 2011-2019 were included, and during the study period, 33,375 of the participants died. At age 40, 8 lifestyle factors could give men 23.7 years and women 22.6 years of extra life expectancy.
Minimal stress had a multiadjusted hazard ratio of 0.78 for mortality. With minimal stress in life, at the age of 40, women were expected to
live 2.51 years longer and men 2.63 years longer.
Change your body’s reaction to what stresses you out. Your body and your emotions are connected. The stress level is amplified if you collapse with your body, tense your muscles, and stop breathing.
Try to stand up, back your shoulders, breathe deeply, smile, and use more of the 80 muscles of the face. How does it feel? Body language lifts the mind like helium lifts a hot air balloon. It helps the mind believe it can take command of what happened. Movement is vital; even though you are sleeping, the organs work, and the heart is pumping.
Change how you use your body, and you will change how you feel!
Reduce stress with the proper focus. What you focus on affects your emotions. How quickly can you change how you feel? Well, just as soon as you focus on something else. Take control and don’t focus backward on problems and failures - but forward on opportunities and solutions.
Let your language lower the stress. The days we keep asking ourselves, “Why does this always happen to me?” and “Why do I never succeed?”. Negative questions breed negative feelings that set you up for failure and make your fears come true. Questions guide us and are a form of language. Confirm that your language and tone of voice are favorable.
We have power over feeling stress or harmony, and the patterns you have in your daily life affect how you feel. Let your focus, speech, thoughts, and body language breathe the joy of life and gratitude.
You can live on two different globes: one with worry, stress, and fear or one with love, gratitude, and joy. Facilitate emotions that give you a happier life.
Tip: Chronic stress leads to exhaustion and mental illness. Vaccinate yourself from stress: stop watching the news, delete social media apps, read email once per weekday, turn off the phone on weekends and holidays, sleep in, relax in nature, do mindfulness, yoga, meditate, run in nature, sauna, massage, sleep dinner, go to the spa.
Try detoxing for a week from digital screens and see how it feels. You may be wondering what to do with all the time you have to spare. Invest money and time in yourself and your health while you are healthy - it will be cheaper and more effective than the alternative.
It is easier to steer the car up when driving on the edge than to pull a car out of a ditch and even harder to pull it up when it has driven off a cliff. Know the early signs and put out small fires of stress with fire extinguishers before they become burning wildfires out the future.
Write down what stresses you out on a daily and weekly basis. Sometimes, it takes more time to realize for the fifth time that the light bulb is broken than it would take to change it. But if something has been broken for six months, you might be able to live without it.
You shouldn’t rush yourself to death - even if you get paid well. Stress is like a gas flame - don’t let anyone stress or pressure you, but learn to say no thanks! You don’t have to go places just because there are airplanes. You don’t become efficient by stressing and increasing the pace. Work smarter, undisturbed, and think of email as regular letters in the mailbox that you empty once every day. Slow down, cut out external demands, and get more done.
Being calm and not stressed gives efficiency. Streamline your everyday life!
Let the grocery stores collect goods and deliver them to you. The fee is saved by not buying unnecessary lures. Don’t build a bigger garden than you have time to enjoy. Simplify - a fresh apple can be just as good as a time-consuming apple pie. Buy a self-propelled vacuum cleaner - use technology to free yourself instead of enslaving you.
Stop watching and reading the news. The negative that happens and you cannot control leads to powerlessness and stress. Don’t look at it if you don’t have the power and influence to change global negative news. It is not empathy to look at the misery of others without positively helping them. Watching the news night after night without being able to change it is a self-harming behavior that fills our time with hopelessness and worry - which reduces the power of action to be able to do good in the world.
Much of the news is also about concerns about what might happen - read them well in hindsight, and you will gain perspective that makes it easier to make the right decision. Read history and spend more time on the last 2400 years instead of the previous 24 hours. It gives you wisdom and perspective on life and the world. Don’t listen to biased journalists who don’t want you well, and try to sell sensational journalism. Start listening to historians and researchers instead. Step out of the stress and step into the present.
There are two worlds. We can’t always control the outside - but we can often influence the inside more than we think. It’s like two winds. Outside, there is sometimes a tailwind and sometimes a headwind - but inside, you make sure that there is always a tailwind and that you travel stress-free.
You cannot control external events - but you can control the meaning they take on in your life. Whatever happens to you, the meaning is for you to decide. Friends fail, the car rusts, the neighbor builds a bigger house - you decide what it means and what feelings it gives you. If it gives you the power to act or if it makes you feel stressed.
Human nature is that what you focus on, you get more of. If you focus on problems, you get more problems. If you focus on opportunities, you will get more opportunities. Strange - but simple.
As soon as you solve one stressor, a new one comes - it’s like running around and fencing with both hands when it’s hailing. Break the pattern and take control of the ship. The mind is the captain, the body is the ship, and the sea is life. Enjoy sailing in calm and beautiful waters.