Red & white meat 0 g Woman +1.57 years Man +1.98 years
In the past, I was a hunter and felled moose, deer, and red deer, which I took home to feed my family and my ego. I thought wild meat was healthier, but after reading research reports, I realized that the animals and I live longer if I photograph them instead of shooting them. If we let the animals live, we extend our own lives.
Effects: WHO classifies red meat as carcinogenic in group 2 A (with, e.g., UV radiation), which means a very high risk of cancer.
WHO’s cancer research institute IARC, with 22 experts from 10 countries, reviewed 700 studies with data on red meat. A strong association was found between red meat and colorectal cancer. There is also evidence of links to pancreatic and prostate cancer.
The Global Burden of Disease Project states that diets high in red meat cause 50,000 cancer deaths per year worldwide. Red meat is from mammals such as beef, veal, pork, lamb, sheep, horse, and goat. Choose what makes your body feel good and helps you live longer. Grill salmon instead of French fries, and you’ll protect yourself instead of harming yourself.
In 25,153 Seventh-day Adventists in California, daily meat consumption was associated with a higher risk (70% among men and 37% among women) of fatal coronary heart disease such as heart attack.
A study of 409,885 men and women in nine European countries showed that the risk of fatal coronary heart disease, such as angina and heart attack, was 19% higher for every 100g of red meat intake per day.
Key TJ, Appleby PN, Bradbury KE, et al. Consumption of Meat, Fish, Dairy Products, and Eggs and Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease. Circulation2019;139:2835-45. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.038813. pmid:31006335
Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death globally. Eighteen million die from cardiovascular diseases, which corresponds to 32% of the world’s deaths. Stroke and heart attack were behind 85% of the deaths. Let the food reduce blood fat and blood pressure, and you will protect yourself.
The California Adventist Health Study surveyed 34,192 men and women. Those who consumed meat had a 97% and 93% increased risk of diabetes, respectively, compared to those who avoided meat.
The study “Estimation of the impact of food choices on life expectancy” shows that if you stop eating red meat, you live longer (and thanks to containing white meat, you can spend the calories on, for example, more fish, which makes you live longer). An example of a longer lifespan with 0 g of red meat per day for a 20-year-old who consumes 2322 kcal is Woman +1.57 years, Man +1.98 years.
Fadnes LT, Økland J-M, Haaland ØA, Johansson KA (2022)
White meat is not considered as harmful as red meat, but according to a new study, the bad cholesterol is raised exactly as much with white meat as with red meat if the fat content is the same.
Tip: Try not eating red meat for a month and see if you and your blood values feel better. As a father of 5 small children, I lost my appetite for ground meat where no one knows its contents or how many and which animals it is ground on. As vegetarian alternatives to meatballs, meat sauce, tacos, and hamburgers have developed, it has become easy for families to enjoy green options.